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Teletext 3000 / Summer of Teletext exhibition on ARD Text, Yle and ORF Teletext

Dig out your sunglasses 3D glasses, because a new summer of teletext art has begun! 😎

A total of 17 international artists will be participating in a crossover event hosted by three European teletext services in the coming weeks.

The exhibition is over, but you can see the artworks on Demozoo here.

🇩🇪 The exhibition will be broadcast on Germany’s ARD Text (p840) from Friday 4th August until Sunday 27th August 2023. Click here to see the art in ARD’s online viewer.

🇦🇹 In conjunction, the art will also be exhibited on Austria’s ORF Teletext (p840) from Friday 4th August until Sunday 27th August Monday 28th August 2023. Click here to see it online at ORF Teletext.

🇫🇮 And last but by no means least, the same artworks will also be shown on Finland’s Yle Text (p830) from Friday 4th August to Monday 4th September 2023. Click here to see them on Yle’s website.

Each piece incorporates one or more of three prompts:

  1. Teletext in the Year 3000
  2. Summer of Teletext and
  3. A Teletext Holiday Postcard.

Responses to this project are many and varied, ranging from idyllic beach scenes to tarot cards, street art and retro-futuristic (perhaps even hauntological) depictions of life in the next millennium.

Participating artists

This summer’s bustling festival line-up contains numerous regulars in addition to a couple of fresh-faced newcomers:

Carl Attrill (UK), Ceefaux (UK), Sarah Burgess (UK), Wim Dewijngaert (Belgium), Dan Farrimond (UK), Muhammad Fidyan Genial (Indonesia), Alex Grupe (Germany), Max Haarich (Germany), Dave Hingley (UK), Andy Jenkinson (UK), Justadude (UK), littlebitspace, Logiker (Austria), Pixelblip (UK), Polyducks (UK), Anton Van Oosbree (USA), Matthias Waldorf (Germany)



Art samples

For those reading after September 2023, we’ve got you covered! All artworks will be archived via after the exhibitions have been completed on all three teletext services.

See the entries on Demozoo here.

Written By

Teletext artist and head mad scientist at the UK Teletext Art Research Lab (TARL). | hello [at] teletextart (dot) co *dot* uk |

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