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Group Exhibitions

Teletext Art Celebrations for Yle Text’s 41st Anniversary


The mighty Yle Text is presently celebrating its 41st anniversary in great style with an appetising assortment of pixel artworks old and new.

Alongside their regular Museum of Teletext Art section courtesy FixC, the Finnish public service is exhibiting classic pages from legends such as comic artist Joonas Rinta-Kanto. The colourful ‘Wanhoja Ruutuja’ (old pages) section even has some early Christmas content!

And on page 830, you can see the (previously unbroadcasted) work of 15 international artists with the theme ‘birthday celebrations’… and a few bonus artworks outside this topic.

Which are your favourites? There is certainly a lot to choose from. But be sure to do so very soon, for the artworks will be available on Finnish television for a limited time only.


Andy Jenkinson (UK), Atonal Osprey (USA), Dan Farrimond (UK), Keith Bloody Mary (UK), Muhammad Fidyan Genial (Indonesia), Steve Horsley (UK), Jellica (UK), JustADude (UK), Max Haarich (Germany), Otium (BE), Pixelblip (UK), Polyducks (UK), Raquel Meyers (Spain), Sarah Burgess (UK), SQ4ENR (Poland), Wim Dewijngaert (Belgium)


Some classic pages…

The aliens are here!
Colourful modern art.

And some new artwork!

A sample of the works on page 830.

Written By

Teletext artist and head mad scientist at the UK Teletext Art Research Lab (TARL). | hello [at] teletextart (dot) co *dot* uk |

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