On the evening of Tuesday 3 May, Republica Ten stood still for the teletext Block Party workshop… well, sort of. Dozens of wandering visitors came to stare in wonderment at the wall of teletext televisions that appeared overnight, marvelling at the 8-colour glitchfest that lay before them.
…But I’ll go into greater detail about that soon. For the time being, here‘s the artwork people made for those televisions, collected in a single handy Flickr photo album for ease of reference.
Click here to see art created at #BlockPartyBerlin
Don’t forget that a selection of these images will soon appear on ARD Text – we will let you know when that is happening so you can look for your favourite pieces on actual, real life teletext! Which, after all, is the true home of teletext pages.
I’d also like to thank everyone that contributed pages, technical assistance or just the odd friendly word of advice over the past month or so – each of you has helped make this Block Party every bit as exciting as the previous one in London last June.
We hope to hold another one soon, and you’ll be the first to know when anything is announced.

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