Much like a washed-up 80s rock star who’s run out of cash to pay his TV license, the Teletextr Podcast has returned for a new decade of text ‘n’ bugs ‘n’ remote controls.
We begin 2020 with the sad news that the BBC would like to close their Red Button teletext service. Having received a stay of execution in January, will it survive beyond spring?
Direct download: Teletext R Podcast 17 February 2020 (59mb)
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Listen on Retro Unlim here.
You are at page 100, the Teletext R Index.
Page 102 (2:20): Teletext R News: BBC Red Button Part 1
Page 180 (18:30): Events: Block Party and Digitiser Live with Chunky Fringe
Page 200 (28:56): Teletext R Community: Nathan Dane’s teletext decoder
Page 310 (33:59): In depth: the BBC Red Button Part 2
Page 400 (51:39): Feedback: contact us
Plus: Teletext Facts, music from Ceefax and more!
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