Apples, oranges and raspberries are the subject of this pre-Block Party babble. Also: a big announcement regarding ARD Text’s involvement in Text Fest 2017!
Music in this episode: Hey Rozalinda (Pages From Ceefax)
Direct download: Teletextr Podcast Episode 5 (mp3) (save as)
Timecodes (spoilers)
0:00 Block Party 2016 and burning BBC Micros
5:00 Teletext on ITV News at Ten
13:00 Alistair Cree’s new teletext editor:
16:00 Teletext Obituaries: VRT, NOS, RacingUK
24:00 Block Party plans for 2017: BP Cambridge & BP Wigan
36:00 Is the International Teletext Art Festival coming back? And other teletext art projects
42:00 2016: The Year of the Teletext Advent Calendar
45:00 Welcome back to teletext, Mr Horsenburger & a teletext documentary?
50:00 Mr Biffo’s Found Footage is go & Carl’s infamous Quiz-Me-Do binary joke
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