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Teletext’s Creative Legacy: new article by WePresent

The artwork of Steve Horsley and Dan Farrimond features in a new article examining how the Internet facilitates teletext as an artistic genre. Written by Craig Oldham for WePresent, the piece details how the format’s technological limitations inspire creativity in a world of competing high resolution formats.

There is a brief history of teletext and its cultural legacy, a short explanation of the artistic restrictions and (of course) a healthy gallery of creations from the pixel pen of Horsenburger and Illarterate. Why not take a look?

Those looking for more art can sate their urges in the pool of gleaming teletext to be found at,, and of course this very website. The graphics of countless (well, maybe countable) designers can be found on the artist biographies page, which serves as a starting point for your own teletext art adventure. Have fun!

Written By

Teletext artist and head mad scientist at the UK Teletext Art Research Lab (TARL). | hello [at] teletextart (dot) co *dot* uk |

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