During December 2021, Yle Text will be broadcasting not one but two teletext Advent calendars!
On page 831, there will be a ‘live’ Advent calendar by teletext designer extraordinaire Wim Dewijngaert (wimpie3) in the vein of those seen on Ceefax in the 80s and 90s. Contained on a single page, this will slowly build up with new segments added each morning (approx. 12am EEST, 10pm GMT) in the lead-up to Christmas Day.
And on page 832, you can see a brand new full-page design published every day in December. These have been made exclusively for this calendar by the world’s foremost teletext artists – but you will have to visit Yle Text to find out exactly who they are!
As a brief spoiler, behind door number one on the calendar is Polyducks‘ snowman, pictured above.
Contributing Artists
Andy Jenkinson (UK), Dan Farrimond (UK), Muhammad Fidyan Genial (Indonesia), Jellica (UK), Justadude (UK), Polyducks (UK), Raquel Meyers (Spain), Sarah Burgess (UK), Steve Horsley (UK), Thomas Boevith (Denmark)
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