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Group Exhibitions

Yle Text Celebrates 40 years on the air with art

Finnish service Yle Text is celebrating its 40th birthday with an exhibition of teletext artworks old and new.

In addition to a collection of classic Yle pages curated by Finland’s Mr Teletext Matti Rämö, 13 artists have submitted new designs to celebrate the anniversary.

The artworks will be available to view on Yle Text until approximately 7th November 2021. Additionally, you can stay up to date with the Twitter hashtag #tekstitv40 (though it will mostly be in Finnish).

You can view all the birthday content here.

The festival on Yle has ended! See tweets below for artworks.

Participating Artists

Andy Jenkinson (UK), Carl Attrill (UK), Dan Farrimond (UK), Muhammad Fidyan Genial (Indonesia), Steve Horsley (UK), Jason Robertson (UK), Jellica (UK), Pixelblip (UK), Polyducks (UK), Raquel Meyers (Spain), Sarah Burgess (UK), Thomas Boevith (Denmark), Wim Dewijngaert (Belgium)

40th anniversary art

Classic art from Yle past

Sarah Burgess @SimplySarahUK

Written By

Teletext artist and head mad scientist at the UK Teletext Art Research Lab (TARL). | hello [at] teletextart (dot) co *dot* uk |

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Discord logo in teletext by wimpie3
art by wimpie3 @discord

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