Teefax, the community teletext service created by Peter Kwan, has recently been signal boosted by numerous news outlets. Most significantly, its appearance on The One Show marked teletext’s return to the BBC almost 8 years after the demise of Ceefax.
Does this pave the way for a 50th anniversary documentary? What would you like to see for #Teletext50?
Also, there are some ‘celebrity’ appearances and Carlos is the first guest on the Teletext R phone in!
Direct download: Teletext R Podcast 15 March 2020 (42mb)
Teletext R has a new iTunes feed! Search for Teletext R on your device, or go to
Listen on Retro Unlim here.
Episode resources
The One Show theme on Kazoo by Much Kazoo About Nothing
Links: Peter Kwan on The One Show, Teefax feature in the Daily Mail, Teefax in the Independent
Events*: Block Party Cheltenham 2020, Chunky Fringe @ Digitiser Live 2020
(*Subject to ongoing pandemic measures.)
Teletextr iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/teletextr/id1445105820
Teletext Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TeletextGroup/
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