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[CLOSED] Call For Entries: 2024 Teletext Advent Calendar on Yle Text!

Snowgirl by Sarah Burgess
Snowgirl by Sarah Burgess

We are pleased to announce that our Teletext Community Advent Calendar will return for a fourth consecutive year on the wonderful Yle Text!

It’s been exactly ten years since the first of these ‘revival’ calendars launched on the short-lived Teletext40 exclusively-online teletext service. That edition primarily featured Raquel Meyers and myself, but last year’s included an astounding total of 21 artists.

Time flies faster than the Aalto-1 satellite, and we’re now celebrating Teletext50. So if you didn’t get an opportunity to submit something for our celebratory art exhibition earlier this year, here is your second chance!


1. Your entry can be anything seasonal! See some of our previous Advent calendars for inspiration. Your art can be as strongly or vaguely linked to Christmas as you wish.

2. We will accept these formats:

  • Web editor links (edit-tf and ZXNet)
  • Teletext files (TTI, EP1 etc.) from any teletext editor
  • Send me a 78 pixel wide x 69 pixel high monochrome (2-colour) artwork and I’ll convert it to teletext for you

3. You can also enter as many artworks as you like, but bear in mind that we are aiming for one artwork per artist per day. Extra artworks may be shown at the service’s discretion.

4. Be aware that when pages are broadcast on teletext services, the page header (row 0) and fastext labels (row 24) are overwritten, so try not to use them in your art. Here‘s a diagram of where you can find these.

5. Level 1/1.5 Teletext only for this project – Yle does not support Level 2.5 (the one with the extra colours), though you can use foreground black if you wish.

6. No copyrighted characters, please!

If you have a question about anything at all, I’ll be happy to help.

Deadline: 20th November 2024

Send your entries to:
hello [at] teletextart [dot] co [dot] uk
@illarterate on Twitter/X on Bluesky
Teletext Discord (#teletext-art)

Discord invite link is here.


Festive art examples…

Written By

Teletext artist and head mad scientist at the UK Teletext Art Research Lab (TARL). | hello [at] teletextart (dot) co *dot* uk |

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Discord logo in teletext by wimpie3
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