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#Teletext50 art exhibition on Yle Text in Finland (7 October – 11 November 2024)


It has been exactly fifty years since the world’s first teletext service, Ceefax, launched in September 1974. As part of the birthday festivities, Finnish public broadcaster Yle Teksti-TV are showing teletext art by 26 artists from across the globe in a new exhibition entitled Teletext50.

As ever, if you don’t have direct access to Yle Text on your TV, you can experience this exhibition via the broadcaster’s online emulator. Artworks can be found from page 840 and will remain viewable until 11th November 2024.

Note: this exhibition has now ended, but the works can be viewed here.

Click the below image to begin…

View exhibition on Yle website

Once the exhibition has ended, all art will be made available for posterity on But to offer you a taste of 50th birthday cake, a succulent selection of the 101 esculent submissions can be viewed below. Scroll down further for even more of the artworks displayed on genuine period-specific tube TVs courtesy Wayne Dearden!


Artworks were previously shown in Cambridge on the weekend of 21st and 22nd September 2024 as part of the Teletext50 Block Party meetup. This event was attended by BBC TV news crews and featured on BBC Breakfast on Monday 23rd September.

Artists were asked to respond to the following optional prompts:

  • What else was happening in 1974, teletext’s birth year?
  • How would you celebrate teletext’s 50th birthday?
  • What other significant events took place during teletext’s lifetime?
  • Alternatively, you can choose to depict something else altogether, even if it doesn’t directly relate to ’50 Years of Teletext’.

Here is a sample of the entries, which range from complex animations employing teletext’s trademark Flash function, to intricate pixel portraits and glitchy, abstract textmode landscapes. (Click to expand and see animated elements.)


In total, 26 artists are participating in this event, including six newcomers to our group exhibitions. One of them, the legendary Ian Irving, is returning from a decades-long sabbatical to bring beloved canine character 4T the dog back to life for one night (well, event) only!

Veteran teletext animator Jarfishing is also represented for the first time with one of two owl-related pieces by our exhibitors, while Violet Suchomski (Violet Raccoon) has happily hopped over from the demoscene to celebrate with us text-heads.

Note: this exhibition has now ended, but the works can be viewed here.

Participating artists: Alex Grupe (Germany), Andy Jenkinson (UK), Atonal Osprey (USA), Carl Attrill (UK), CeeGee Toons (UK), Christina Brien, Dan Farrimond (UK), Dave Hingley (UK), Muhammad Fidyan Genial (Indonesia), Ian Irving (UK), Jamie Nemeth (Wales, UK), Jarfishing (??), Jason Robertson (UK), Littlebitspace (???), Pete Fagan (UK), Pixelblip (UK), Puuro (Finland), Sarah Burgess (UK), Steve Horsley (UK), T&CsApply (UK), Thomas Boevith (Denmark), Max Haarich (Germany), Violet Suchomski (UK), Will Henry (UK), Wim Dewijngaert (Belgium), Zymnyaya (Nicaragua)

But wait, there’s more!

Yle Text is broadcasting Teletext50 artwork as part of their own 43rd birthday celebrations. There is also a collection of some ‘unusual’ pages that have graced the service, special remarks from viewers (including President Alexander Stubb) and links to short teletext-related documentaries from the Yle archive.

Additionally, you can see Fok_it’s iconic ‘man trapped inside teletext’ cartoon make a triumphant return to teletext on page 839!

All of this can be translated to English (or your preferred language) via the text version of Yle’s online teletext viewer.

And finally, a selection of works from Yle Text’s graphic archive can be found from page 837. These have been carefully curated by Matti Rämö, to whom we offer special thanks for hosting our pixel artworks once again.

Social media

Above photos by Wayne Dearden

We are now live on yle with the TV portion of our #teletext50 exhibition! #teletext…

Dan Farrimond ( 2024-10-08T10:18:40.661Z

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Written By

Teletext artist and head mad scientist at the UK Teletext Art Research Lab (TARL). | hello [at] teletextart (dot) co *dot* uk |

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